Bancroft Campground - Family camping - tent and RV trailer camping in Bancroft, Ontario


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Directions from Bancroft to Campground (BELOW)

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up or down.  Clicking on the - sign will show you more

Sites 1 - 74, are full service 30 Amp sites.

Sites 62 & 63 are 15 Amp sites.

Sites  in red are tenting sites with no services.

We have 7 new sites overlooking the lake with hydro and water.

GPS Directions

On the GPS 98 Bird Lake Rd sometimes comes under Hastings Highlands or Herschel Township


After you leave the town of Bancroft going north on HWY 62, do not make any left or right turns until you make a left onto S. Baptiste Lake Rd.  Ignore GPS when it tells you to turn left or right before that.

Camp Info/Pics
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